Red state AGs sue Biden admin to halt 'radical transgender ideology' threatening 'safety of women and girls'

More than 20 red states sue Biden admin over Title IX changes that expand sex discrimination to include gender identity and sexual orientation.

Biden admin overhauls Title IX regulations. (Megan Varner/Getty Images)

Several states in the last week – Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota and Oklahoma – joined the legal battle and filed two additional lawsuits.

Up until Biden's revision, the 1972 law promoted gender equality and allowed sex-segregated spaces like bathrooms and locker rooms.

"The interpretation of the Biden administration is completely inconsistent with the statute and the way it’s been interpreted for decades," Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin said at a news conference announcing the suit alongside Bailey on Tuesday.

"We have seen this coming for a while, and we are considering what options we have to stop this rule," Griffin said, adding that it poses a threat to the First Amendment by compelling people to "speak in a particular way or risk a sort of harassment charge."


Title IX originally created sex-segregated spaces in bathrooms and locker room facilities until Biden's revisions. (Fox News Digital)

Under the revision, sex discrimination includes discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation. Schools are prohibited from separating people based on their biological sex, except in limited circumstances, under the provisions. Critics say the change will permit transgender people in locker rooms and bathrooms that contradict the sex appearing on their birth certificate.

LGBTQ+ students who face the new standards of "discrimination" will be entitled to a response from their school under Title IX, and those failed by their schools can seek recourse from the federal government.

Missing from the new rule, however, is a policy forbidding schools from enacting outright bans on transgender athletes competing against biological females.

Fox News' Joshua Q. Nelson contributed to this report.

Jamie Joseph is a writer who covers politics. She leads Fox News Digital coverage of the Senate. 

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