Wisconsin Supreme Court refuses to clarify district boundaries for potential recall election

The Wisconsin Supreme Court has refused to clarify what legislative district boundary lines should be considered for a potential recall election targeting Republican Assembly Speaker Robin Vos.

Wisconsins Republican Assembly Speaker Robin Vos talks to reporters at the state Capitol, Feb. 15, 2022, in Madison, Wis. The Wisconsin Supreme Court on Wednesday refused to offer clarity on what legislative district boundary lines should be in play for a potential recall election sought by supporters of former President Donald Trump targeting Vos.  (AP Photo/Andy Manis)

Those are the maps take effect in November. The court's order leaves open the question of what maps are in effect for any election before November.

"We decline to further clarify or amend the opinion and order," the court said, referring to its December ruling.

It is the Wisconsin Elections Commission, not the Supreme Court, that has the responsibility to administer elections, the court said.

The next move will be up to the commission, which faces an April 11 deadline to determine whether the recall petition had sufficient signatures to trigger an election. Its decision can be appealed in court.

Commission spokesperson Riley Vetterkind had no comment on the court's order.

The commission, based on its initial cursory review, determined there were not enough valid signatures collected from residents of the district Vos was elected to represent. But Vos’ district lines are changing under legislative maps that take effect in November.

Vos is being targeted for recall because he refused to impeach the state’s top elections official or proceed with attempting to decertify President Joe Biden’s 2020 victory in Wisconsin. His actions angered Trump, who accused Vos of covering up election corruption, while Trump’s followers mounted an unsuccessful primary challenge in 2022 and are now trying to force a recall election.

Vos, who challenged the validity of thousands of signatures and declared the effort failed no matter what district lines are used, has derided those targeting him as "whack jobs and morons."


Recall organizers, recognizing that their initial effort was likely short of the needed signatures, launched a second recall effort last week.

Vos is the most powerful Republican in the GOP-led Legislature. He was first elected in 2004 and is the longest-serving Assembly speaker in state history, holding the post since 2013.

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